Investments We manage over €400 million in diversified global portfolios tailored to your investment objectives.


Today’s global market offers unprecedented opportunities for diversified investment portfolios. It is extremely important to choose the right investment opportunities for your specific circumstances and to be fully aware of the conditions and requirements of each potential investment.

Clinch Wealth Management can help you to make informed decisions about your investments. With unrivalled experience in this area, we offer a bespoke service that examines your current financial situation and uses this information as the basis for finding the best investment solutions for you.

The main driver of investment performance is the asset class you invest in such as equities, property, bonds or alternatives. Our experienced investment committee conducts on-going research to develop our house view and we proactively manage your asset allocation.

The selection of individual shares, bonds and properties is the second part of your strategy. To achieve the best performance and cost efficiency in today’s fast-moving market, we use leading global fund managers to manage the day-to-day stock selection in your portfolio.

Our investment committee holds regular performance review meetings with fund managers to select the most suitable fund for your needs. One of the factors we consider when researching funds is their environmental impact. We have access to a range of funds that invest with the aim of making a positive impact on the environment. We also offer funds that exclude certain sectors that may be considered socially or environmentally unethical by some investors. We also consider the sustainability rating in all our research on general multi-asset funds.

The following is a sample selection of the fund managers we use:


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